1. Personalized Care
There is no one size fits all for Acupuncture treatments. Each patient receives a different treatment all the time. There are no two patients who receive the same treatment ever! Compared to conventional medicine; if you have acid reflux, you take the same type of pill everyone else takes. Acupuncture treats each person as an individual, and that means you get individualized care. You Acupuncturist will also spend more time listening to your problems so they can determine the proper treatment.
2. The Side Effects
The side effects of acupuncture include improvement in all areas of your life, including sleep, digestion, breathing and emotional states. This is because Acupuncturists are treating every organ and process in your body, and they don’t focus on one or two symptoms. So you may just go in to treat your nagging shoulder pain, but you may see other areas of your health improve too!
3. Prevention
The best time to get acupuncture is when you do not think you need it, so you can prevent ill health from taking root in the first place. It is based on the theory that you should be preventing something bad from happening to your health before it even begins. When you routinely use acupuncture to maintain health, you won’t find yourself getting sick as often, and your will feel much better.
4. Well Recognized by Leading Health Organization(s)
Acupuncture is well recognized by leading health organizations such as the World Health Organization in the prevention and treatment of a wide range of health issues, including pain, infertility, allergies, depression & anxiety, migraines, digestive issues, arthritis, fibromyalgia and more.
5. Acupuncture works!
Acupuncture has been used to successfully treat millions of people over the past 3,000 years. It is the health system used by most of the world.. Practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese medicine have used this noninvasive treatment to help millions of people. Acupuncture works and is safe, natural, drug-free way of healing the body.