We take care of your health

Traditional Chinese Medicine Near You in Keswick Ontario

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Chinese Medicine Treatments are specific to the individual. There are no out of the box treatments.

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Results Oriented

We focused on long lasting results that typically come over time

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We listen to what you say and take all of that information into account. You will be heard and listened to!

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Near You in Keswick Ontario
15 Years Expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine

About Us

Traditional Healing Centre is a focused Chinese Medicine Practice located in Keswick, Ontario, Canada.  

Our Specialties

We treat a wide range of health concerns but often see the following in our Chinese Medicine Practice!

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Pain Management

Stop or eliminate painful conditions such as headaches, knee pain, foot pain, abdominal pain & Sciatica

stomach representing digestive issues

Digestive Issues

Treats constipation, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, acid reflux, and nausea

Female Reproductive

Menstrual Issues

Regulate your menstrual cycle leading to regular periods, no cramping or pain & PMS symptoms

Sleep Disorder

Sleep Disorders

Sleep longer and deeper with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs

ECG Monitor

Low Energy

Increase your energy and digest food better for increased vitality.


Anxiety & Depression

Feel emotionally better and more grounded with less mood swings.

Get An Appointment

Ready to Start Your Journey to Pain-Free Living?

Contact our clinic today to book your consultation. Our experienced practitioners are ready to create a personalized treatment plan and improve your quality of life.

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chinese herbs for fertility, learn what is wrong with your

If you are struggling with getting pregnant, staying pregnant, or even if your menstrual cycles are out of line, you can benefit from Traditional Chinese Herbs.  If you have not...
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5 Habits you can do to not get sick in the fall

Fall is here, whether you like it not. Do you know what comes next? Yes you got it right, winter cold.  The things  you do in the fall which dictate...
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Top 5 Reasons to Get Acupuncture

1. Personalized Care There is no one size fits all for Acupuncture treatments. Each patient receives a different treatment all the time. There are no two patients who receive the...
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Rosacea Natural Treatment

Rosacea Natural Treatment Information Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory condition involving the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. It may worsen by emotional situations, gastrointestinal or hormonal dysfunction, alcohol, strong teas,...
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Nausea Acupuncture

Nausea Acupuncture Are you feeling nauseous? Do you feel sick and you need to vomit?  It really isn’t a great feeling, and it is a warning sign of other health concerns...
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Constipation Chinese Medicine

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